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Have some time to spare? We need you!

As our Cat Adoptions and Silent Auction event comes nearer, we are excited to involve the community in making this event a success. We are searching for 10-12 people to help with set-up, take down, and supervising the many different stations and tables. This is a great opportunity to get out and meet your neighbours - not only your physically local neighbours, but also your Kirk Centre neighbours!

Currently, volunteer positions at the event include:

  • Set-up

  • Tear-down

  • Supervising the Bake Sale table

  • Collecting Bottle Drive donations

  • Supervising the Silent Auction table

  • Supervising the kids' activity

  • Monitoring the Door Prize and Trivia table

We're also needing some help in the days leading up to the event to get Kirk Centre ready and make it welcoming for guests by doing some light gardening, yard work, and cleaning. If you'd like to help, but aren't available on Saturday, this is a perfect opportunity for you!

If you, or someone you know, would like to volunteer, here's how!

Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form HERE and select "Event Assistance".


Sign up for a specific position using the link HERE.


Email the Volunteer Services Coordinator at

We hope to see yu there!


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