About Our
Little Free Projects
Little Free Projects are community sourced solutions to address local needs, immediately. According to Edmonton Social Planning Council 10.8 % of Edmontonians are living in poverty. These Projects are grassroot options to make a difference in our city right now, at the ground level.
Our Little Free Projects have started at Kirk Centre, but it is our hope that all sorts of Little free Projects will pop up around the city of Edmonton in the spirit of providing for those that are in need. We are prepared to support you with what resources we can yo get you started in your neighborhood.
Please visit www.littlefreeprojects.ca for more info

Little Free Closet
Launched Feb 1, 2023
Next to food security clothing is a close second very important basic human need which we all require to survive, especially here in Edmonton's weather extremes. This Project provides seasonally appropriate clothing to help all Edmontonians be prepared for any weather.
Little Free Library
Launched in July 2021, Kirk Centre's Little Free Library is part a Charter of the of the Little Free Library . Our goal is to provide books at no fee, 24 hrs a day to anyone who wants to read. Books are a great way to benefit a community and to address literacy. Reading feeds the mind, reduces stress, fights depression symptoms, increases vocabulary and comprehension.

Little Free Pantry
Launched in July 2022, this pantry provides shelf stable food and toiletries to anyone in need, without having to ask. We have found that a barrier to receiving basic necessities has been the requirement to ask for help. Asking for help can be very difficult and off putting to many and can be a deterrent to getting help.