Important Public Safety Announcement
Recently, unknown individuals have been climbing on Kirk Centre's building and roof. This is especially concerning since we understand...
Great Controversy Book Distribution
We understand that religious books were recently distributed by the Edmonton Filipino Seventh Day Adventist Church with Kirk Centre's...

We are so excited to announce the official launch of our volunteer program. After two months of working on job descriptions, policies,...

Our First In-Person AGM
On June 16, 2022, Kirk Centre held its very first in-person Annual General Meeting. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, previous AGMs had been...

Mill Woods United Church Opportunity
Mill Woods United Church has an open position you might be interested in: Children's Program Leader. They are searching for a spiritual...

EDGEy Conversation - Kirk Centre
Hear from Sally-Anne Woolnough, the Executive Director at Kirk Centre in Edmonton, AB. Listen as she shares a story about expanding...

Kirk Centre Community Concert
Thank you to everyone, from the volunteers to the community music lovers, who joined us for our first Outdoor Community Concert. Thank...

Kirk Centre's Free Community Concert
Register HERE to attend our free concert!

Alberta Health Services - Help in Tough Times
AHS1: Here to help At some point in our lives we all have stressful times. We can be impacted by such things as financial pressures,...